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Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University
named after Oleksandr Dovzhenko

The History of the University

The History of the University

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Hlukhiv University is an integral part of the educational system of Ukraine. This is a typical European institution, with a powerful and effective education system, knowledgeable and renowned. Based on the best pedagogical traditions, he keeps up to date, giving a solid education, thorough training for the younger generation. More than in the history of the university reflected various socio-political, social and economic changes that took place in society. Programs of reorganization of school affairs and reorganization of the system of pedagogical education caused the following periods in the historical development of an educational institution:


On September 21, 1874, the official opening of the Glukhiv Teachers' Institute took place.
It was an institution with a three-year term, which trained teachers for municipal schools.


Pedagogical Institute with literary-historical, physical-mathematical and natural-geographical divisions.


Institute of public education with literary-historical, physical-mathematical and natural-geographical departments, which trained teachers for general education schools for a three-year, and then four-year term. Under it, there were two years of special general education courses for young people to study at a high school.


Pedagogical courses in preparatory and first course.


Pedagogical technical school, which trained teachers with higher pedagogical education for elementary school.


Institute of social education with a three-year term.


Pedagogical institute with a three-year term of study, which trained teachers for secondary schools on five faculties: mathematical, physical, linguistic-literary, historical and agrobiology.


Teachers' Institute with a two-year term of study and two departments: physical and mathematical and natural-geographical. During the fascist occupation the institute was greatly destroyed.
Building 2 of the Institute was destroyed
Valuable books from the institute library, equipment of study rooms were destroyed, but the school was one of the first universities in Ukraine, which restored its work in 1943. In the summer of 1944, diplomas were awarded to 60 young specialists. In 1945, 180 persons graduated from the Institute.


The Pedagogical Institute with the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics trained teachers for high school.


The Pedagogical Institute specializing in "Pedagogy and Primary Education Methodology", trained teachers with higher education for elementary school in full-time and part-time forms of study.


Pedagogical institute with two faculties: training teachers of elementary schools and teachers of general technical disciplines and labour.


Pedagogical institute with faculties: pre-school education, training teachers of elementary school, training of teachers of labour.


   The university has established itself as a higher educational institution of the European standard. By the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 16, 2001 No. 504, Hlukhiv State Pedagogical Institute was granted the status of the university. The decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of July 16, 2008, No. 958 - the name of the outstanding graduate Oleksandr Dovzhenko was awarded. By the decision of the State Accreditation Commission of July 2, 2009, Minutes No. 79, the educational establishment was acknowledged as accredited for the 4th level. According to the Decree of the President of Ukraine of October 1, 2009, No. 792/2009, for the national and international recognition of the results of Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv State Pedagogical University, its significant contribution to the development of national education and science, the educational establishment got the status of national.
   In the structure of the university there are 5 faculties, the Institute of Pre-professional and Postgraduate Education, the College of Professional and Pedagogical Studies, 6 educational and consulting centres (Sumy, Konotop, Bar, Mohyliv-Podilsky, Kremenchuk), a training and consulting centre (Sosnytsa), 21 departments, an updated scientific library, sports complexes, the best student dormitories in the town; there are research laboratories on the history and culture of Sivershchyna, problems of elementary schooling in the national school, dialectology, specialized laboratories, educational workshops, historical and pedagogical museum, created on October 25, 2001 on the basis of the museum of history of the Hlukhiv Pedagogical Institute, which presents history of the university, pedagogical, scientific and literary and artistic heritage of teachers and students of the institution.
   In the educational institution training and retraining of specialists at the educational and qualification levels "Bachelor", "Master" in the following branches of knowledge are carried out: pedagogical education, humanities, natural sciences, physical and mathematical, socio-political sciences, physical education, sports and human health. Taking into account the current needs of the society, the relevant specialties and specializations were licensed at the university. Postgraduate study programme was opened in the following specialties: 13.00.04 - Theory and methodology of vocational education; 10.01.01 - Ukrainian literature; 13.00.02 - Theory and methodology of teaching (Ukrainian language); 13.00.05 - Social pedagogy.
   Educational process is provided by 280 teachers, among them 25 doctors of sciences, professors, 140 candidates of sciences, associate professors.
   The team of the university fruitfully works on increasing the achievements of domestic and world pedagogy, forming the intellectual potential of the state, creating all conditions for creative self-realization and cultural development of the teacher's personality.
  The University has significant scientific, artistic and sporting achievements. Students regularly become winners of international and all-Ukrainian sports competitions, students subject competitions and contests of scientific works.
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